487 movies. Approximately 730 hours.
A brilliant marriage
A clever dummy - Ben Turpin
A life at stake
A man betrayed
A million to one
A muddy romance
A quiet fourth
A shot in the dark
A successful failure
A virgin in Hollywood
Adventures of gallant Bess
Affair in Monte Carlo
Alias John Law
Alice adventures in Wonderland
All American Co-ed
All star bond ralley
Amateur Crook
Ambrose's nasty temper
Ambrose's sour grapes
An unseen enemy
As you like it
Ask Dad
Assault of the rebel girls
Atlantic Flight
Baby face Morgan
Back page
Bad boy
Bak Alarm
Barefoot boy
Basin street review
Beast of Borneo
Beggers in Ermine
Behind green lights
Behind the headlines
Below the deadline
Beneath the 12 mile reef
Big Chance
Big news
Big show
Bird of paradise
Black and tan
Blake of Scotland yard
Blonde comet
Blonde in bondage
Bobby Breen in Fishermans wharf
Bobby Breen in Hawaii calls
Booby Breen in It happened in New Orleans
Booby Breen in Lets sing it again
Booby Breen in Way down south
Bobby Breen in Breaking the ice
Bobby Breen in Escape to paradise
Border vengeance
Born to speed
Borrowed wives
Boy what a girl
Brideiless groom
British intellegence
Broadway Bill
Broken strings
Bulldog Drummond in13 lead soldiers
Buster Keaton classics
Buster Keaton Festival
Buster's day dreams
Buster's electric house
Buster's my wifes relations
Buster's the ballonatic
By appointment only
Captured in Chinatown
Chained for life
Chasing choo choo's
Chasing trouble
Cheating blonds
Child bride
Chinatown after dark
Cipher Bureau
City of missing girls
Clark & McCullough in Everything is ducky
Clark & McCullough in Fits and Fiddle
Clark & McCullough in Kickin the crown around
Clark & McCollough in Love and hisses
Clark & McCullough in The druggist dilemma
Clark & McCullough in Jitters the butler
Clark & McCullough in Odour in the court
Club paradise
Cocaine fiends
Code name zebra
Condemed to live
Convicts code
County fair
Courageous Dr Christian
Cowboy holiday
Cracked shots
Crooked circle
Cross examination
Dance hall racket
Dance of life
Dancing man
Danger ahead
Danger flight
Danger street
Dangerous passage
Danny boy
Daughter of horror
Daughter of the Tong
Dead end
Delinquent daughters
Diary of a telephone operator
Dirty Gertie from USA
Dixie Jamoree
Doctor Christian, Melody for three
Doctor Christian, Remedy for riches
Doctor Christian, They meet again
Double exposure
Dr Christian, meets the woman
Drums of Africa
Dynamite Dan
Easy money
Escape by night
Escort girl
Eyes in the night
Fire alarm
Five minutes to live
Flight to nowhere
Flirting with danger
Follow your heart
For you I die
Forbidden Jungle
Forces sweetheart
Forgotten Jungle
Free and easy
Freedom highway
Fresh from Paris
Gambling sex
Gambling with souls
Gang bullets
Gaslight follies
Gentlemen from dixie
Ghost parade
Ghost walks
Girl o' my dreams
Girl loves boy
Girls in chains
Glorifying the American girl
Go get em Haines
Goodbye love
Great gabbo
Grief street
Guest in the house
Half a sinner
Half a pint Polly
Harlem rides the range
Harmony lane
Harold Lloyd in Among those present
Harold Lloyd in Bumping into Broadway
Harold Lloyd in Captain Kidds kids
Harold Lloyd in Couthouse crooks
Harold Lloyd in Get out get under
Harold Lloyd in Grandmas boy
Harold Lloyd in Haunted spooks
Harold Lloyd in High and dizzy
Harold Lloyd in His royal slyness
Harold Lloyd in Never weaken
Harold Lloyd in Number please
Harold Lloyd in Pay your dues
Harold Lloyd in The city slicker
Harold Lloyd in The non stop kid
Hearts in bondage
Held for ransom
Hell harbour
Hell's highway
Hellfire Austin
Hellship mutiny
Her private affair
Here's flash Casey
Hi diddle diddle
High explosive
High gear
High powered
High voltage
His double life
His Majesty the American - Douglas Fairbanks
His Majesty, The scarecrow of OZ
His royal highness
Hold that woman
Home town story
Honeymoon limited
Honor the press
Horace takes over
House of danger
House of mystery
I accuse my parents
I can’t escape
I cover the waterfront
I'd give my life
I'll name the murderer
Identity unknown
In love with life
Incident on a dark street
Inner sanctum
Inside information
International crime
irish luck
Isle of destiny
Jackie Robinson story
Jivin'in be-bop
Joyless street
Jungle book
Jungle bride
Katie's passion
Kentucky blue streak
Kept husbands
King Kelly of the USA
King of the newsboys
La Cucuracha
Late Extra
Laughning at life
Law of the timber
Leon Errol in A polo phoney
Leon Errol in Berth quakes
Leon Errol in Bested by a beard
Leon Errol in Beware of redheads
Leon Errol in Borrowed blonde
Leon Errol in Councelities
Leon Errol in Crime rave
Leon Errol in Cutie on duty
Leon Errol in Dad always pays
Leon Errol in Dear deer
Leon Errol in Down the ribber
Leon Errol in Gem jams
Leon Errol in He forgot to remember
Leon Errol in Hired husband
Leon Errol in Home work
Leon Errol in Moving vanities
Leon Errol in Oh professor behave
Leon Errol in Panic in the parlour
Leon Errol in Pappa knows worst
Leon Errol in Pretty Polly
Leon Errol in Radio runaround
Leon Errol in Room 303
Leon Errol in Seeing Nellie home
Leon Errol in Tattle television
Leon Errol in The fired man
Leon Errol in The jitters
Leon Errol in The wrong room
Leon Errol in Triple trouble
Leon Errol in Truth aches
Leon Errol in Wedded blitz
Leon Errol in Wedtime stories
Leon Errol in Wholesaling along
Leon Errol in Fixing a stew
Leon Errol in Follow the blonde
Leon Errol in Framing father
Leon Errol in Mail trouble
Leon Errol in Man I cured
Leon Errol in Panic in paarlor
Leon Errol in The dummy owner
Leon Errol in Twin husbands
Li'L abner
Life and loves of Mozart
Lightening Carson rides again
Little Pal
Loser end
Love island
Machine gun mama
Manhatten tower
Mariners of the sky
Mask and memories
Meet Doctor Christian
Melody in May
Messa of lost women
Money means nothing
Moon over Harlem
Mr Wong in Chinatown
Mr Wong phantom of Chinatown
Mud and sand
Murder at midnight
Murder by invitation
Murder in the clouds
Murder in the museum
Murder on the campus
Murder on the high seas
Murder with music
Mystery liner
Navy spy
Never to late
New York nights
Night alarm
Non no Nanette
Numbered woman
Officer 13
Oklahoma Annie
Orphans of the storm
Other means women
Our hospitality
Outlaws Paradise
Painted faces
Parachute battalion
Paradise in Harlem
Paradise Isle
Parisian Love
Phantom in the house
Phantom of the range
Phantom ship
Poor little rich girl
Port of New York
Postmark for danger
Protect your daughters
Reaching for the moon
Red haired alibi
Reefer madness
Religious racketeers
Revenge of the zombies
Riot squad
Rip roaring buckeroo
Robin Hood
Rogues gallery
Rolling home
Rough riding ranger
Rubber racketeers
Secret evidence
Secret valley
Sensation hunters
Sepia cinderella
Seven were saved
Sex madness
Sexton Blake in the echo murders
Shadows of the Orient
Shadows on the stairs
Shadows over Shanghai
Sherlock Holmes in the man who disappeared
Sherlock Holmes in the speckled band
Showtime at the apollo
Silver horde
Sin takes a holiday
Sin you sinners
Sinful cargo
Sinners in paradise
Sins of Nora Moran
Six gun rhythm
Sky patrol
Slander house
Smash up the story of a woman
So and sew
Social error
Soul of the slums
South of Panama
Special agent
Speed limited
Spirit of youth
Spoliers of the north
Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy in The lucky dog
Star reporter
State department file
Stolen sweets
Storm in a teacup
Streamline express
Sunny skies
Sunset murder case
Super stupid
Symphony of living
Taming the wild
Telephone operator
Ten nights in a barroom
Test tube babies
That's my baby
The angel with a trumpet
The ape
The bat whispers
The battle of El Alamein
The bells
The big bluff
The big cat
The big chance
The big timers
The black king
The chase
The choppers
The cocaine fiends
The conquest of Everest
The cowboy councellor
The crime patrol
The dark hour
The devil diamond
The devils partner
The drifter
The eagle
The fighting deputy
The fighting stallion
The final curtain
The flapper
The flesh merchant
The general
The girl who game back
The gold racket
The golem
The great Mike
The haunted house
The hoodlum
The hunchback of Notre Dame
The imortal battalion
The jackals
The lady confesses
The last chance
The last of the Mohicans
The law rides
The lost World
The luck of roaring camp
The man that walked alone
The Mandarin mystery
The missing corpse
The nickel hopper
The night America trembled
The old barn
The ole swimmin hole
The outlaw
The painted lady
The panthers claw
The pay off
The penalty
The phantom broadcast
The phantom chariot
The phantom cowboy
The phantom express
The phntom of the opera
The prisoner of zenda
The quitter
The racketeer
The reckless way
The road to ruin
The rogues tavern
The savage girl
The shriek of Araby
The sins of Lena Rivers
The snow of Kilimanjaro
The stolen jools
The strange woman
The sun sets at dawn
The terror of tiny town
The underdog
The undie World
The violators
The wizard of Oz
The woman in brown
The World accuses
They never came back
Three of a kind
Timber queen
Tough to handle
Trigger pals
Undercover agent
Unforgettable crime
Unholey love
Waterfront lady
West of hot dog
Wig wag
Woman to woman
Woman unafraid
Women in the shadows
Young and beautiful
