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inside nasa innovations video
Inside NASA's Innovations

6 X 60 minutes in HD


Inside NASA's Innovations

All Audiences, 60/40 Male-Female, Global Reach with Subtitles and/or Dubbing. Internationally focused documentaries, that are inspiring and profiles advancements in innovation from NASA, shaping the future of life both on earth and outer space. The content is positive, non-political, and impactful in nature. Specific content interests include: Technology, Innovation, Science, Robotics, Space Travel, AI, Futurism & more.

Inside NASA’s Innovations takes you behind the scenes with NASA, one of the world’s leading technology innovators.

We take you to discover NASA’s ground-breaking discoveries and find out how you can collaborate with NASA in developing the next breakthrough in space exploration!

Find our how NASA creates zero gravity robots, new Rovers for Moon & Mars Exploration, and see how they build Mission Control Centers for the modern age.

We take you to see all this and more, and to discover how you can partner with NASA’s and license their technology and get involved to help us explore the galaxies.

Episodic Breakdown (Parts 1-6, 60min each):

Part 1: Inside Ames Research Centre, Resources & History (Micro-Gravity Robots, Intelligent Robotics &
Lunar Planning)

Part 2: Inside Jet Propulsion Labs (JPL), Resources & Innovations (Laser Communication, Spacecraft Navigation & Interplanetary Landing)

Part 3: Inside Goddard Space Flight Centre, Resources & Innovations (Robotics & Autonomous Systems, Satellite & Robotics Refueling)

Part 4: Inside Langley Research Centre, Resources & Innovation (Simulators & Landing Systems, Nanotechnology & Heat Shields)

Part 5: Inside Glenn Research Centre, Resources & Innovation (Space Power & Energy Storage, Advanced & Solar Electric Propulsion)

Part 6: Inside NASA’s Collaborative Innovation Programs (Driving Entrepreneurship & Global Technology Innovation & Development)

Global Telemedia, Inc. • 1078 Enbrook Loop, Naples, Florida 34114 USA • Tel: 203-247-3888